I’ve grown to expect outstanding quality whenever I read Brenda S. Anderson’s books, and her latest release is no exception. This time, she’s teamed up with her daughter Sarah Anderson to tell a story that moved me deeply.
Broken Together is about a woman whose husband was sent to prison for a crime he didn’t commit. Chad was convicted of killing his mentor and has spent the last eight years doing his best to survive in the brutal prison environment.
Jenn, left alone to raise their twins, has faced a struggle of her own, as their friends and church family turned their backs on her and her children.
But now fresh evidence has turned up and there’s a chance that Chad might be exonerated, or set free. Jenn never gave up hope that Chad’s innocence would be proved. But the events of the past eight years have shown that not all prisons are surrounded with gray walls. Chad’s release will be only the first step on a long road of healing.
This book kept getting better and better with every page I turned. I had no idea of all the things prisoners and their families go through, even when the prison term has ended. This a story that will stay with me for a long time.
Brenda writes the best kind of romance: a tale of love within the context of a wider story of God’s power to heal and restore the broken places inside each of us. Broken Together is available on Amazon.